Thursday, June 1, 2023

Beyond and Evermore ...


"O let me bathe my soul in colour; 
let me swallow the sunset 
and drink the rainbow."
Khalil Gibran

Today I will transform beauty into  vivid abstract formations. The sun will be inhaled brightening shadows lingering in my empty doorways. And the rainbow will be an elixir for my unscripted grief and sorrow.

Just for today, I will not listen to the echo of my wandering steps nor will I question the calling of this uncharted quest. Time will be an illusion, expanding awareness in dreams, parallel lives, and realms unseen.

At the end of the day, I will gaze up into the forthcoming full moon and marvel at the winking of the stars so high. I will ignite a torch within me, allowing light to seep through each and every pore. I will offer hope to those like me, seeking beyond into evermore.

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