Friday, May 19, 2023

Did You Hear That?

"There are times coming when you'll be able to increase
 the amount of spirituality that you carry in your own body."
Steve Rother

Listen carefully and you will hear a magical sound profoundly subtle, but all encompassing. It is the sound of your heart opening, no longer clenched into a tight knot of self-protection. You are experiencing a willingness to give authentic connection another chance.

This renewal allows you to bring more of your true nature into every waking moment of the day. With the eyes, you can scan the beauty that is ever so present before you. As you hear the sounds of nature or uplifting chords of music, your heart overflows with radiant energy.

As your heart swells with loving kindness, this energy is projected out into the space around you. Others begin to feel your compassionate nature and respond with gentle smiles and simple nods of the head. No longer are you limited to forced conversation.

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