Monday, May 8, 2023

A Place of Silence

"I don't like to think of myself as keeping secrets,
but simply as keeping my silence."
Carla Neggers

At a very young age, classmates would seek me out to share their inner most secrets. The same was true in high school as well as college. Gossip did not hold interest for me, but contemplating the complexity of life's challenges kept me engaged.

A private person by nature, being a good listener and a highly observant bystander enhanced understanding. It was obvious to me how inconsistent emotions required an audience that would be safe and trustworthy.

There is a need to establish a place of silence where a guard can be let down, mask removed, and tears freely flow. There is beauty in the silence of 'knowing' without desire to reveal. It is in my total silence that I speak my loudest.

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