Sunday, April 23, 2023

River of Life

"When we pause to reflect on the great river of life
moving through us, we do not stop swimming because
of a single branch floating. We find our way around it."
Mitch Davidowitz 

In the river of life, we have choice as to becoming blocked by debris or to  circumvent the situation. There are options to float to the shore or to hide in a cove. With determination we can swim forward and persevere, rather than being lodged in the bottom of muck.

It is a challenge to move forward with an open heart knowing that tides can change and currents can become dangerous. If we can remember to float rather than struggle, we can formulate the best way to respond.

Often times, intensity is decided by our present mood or automatic reaction. Are we reacting to what is before us or is it a knee jerk reaction to a trigger from the past? It is when we gently wade in and focus on the expanding horizon that we return to the flow.


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