Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Interruption Intervenes

"Isn't it amazing how long it can take 
to learn a lesson, and how the Universe keeps
 bopping us over the head until we do?"
Suleika Jaouad

Just when I think I am doing so well, interruption intervenes. This can be the face of fear, doubt or self-sabotage.  I force myself to not shut down, but to embrace the discord, knowing it is part of a learning experience.

I believe I have learned a lesson, only to discover it has reentered in an entirely different presentation. Challenge wears differing costumes, requiring me to pay attention to what is inside beneath what appears.

I do not believe prevention safe guards us from altercations. The best defense for me is to maintain awareness, move forward with courage, and embrace whatever I am to learn. I have learned to laugh as the Universe plays tricks and simply carry on!


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