Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Essence Inside

"No matter how far you travel, you can 
never get away from yourself."
Haruki Murakami

When we stand in the midst of chaotic noise, we are still aware of the quiet self whom resides inside.  We can peacefully float and drift upon calm waters, while the invisible self continues to simply be.  We have the freedom to pursue an imaginative destination, but at our core, we remain resiliently unique in identity.

It is accurate to say that no matter how much we alter our appearance, disguise our voice, and shift our thinking, our presence within remains in harmony. Our inner self can stretch and grow just as easily as withdrawing and collapsing, but ultimately, we remain the same essence as when we first began.

In the physical, we can strengthen our body, while mentally nourishing our brain.  Spiritually, we may gain depth through diverse practices from numerous cultures.  Our intrinsic nature, however, is steadfast.  We come into this world with a container for our spirit, just as we leave with our soul in tact. 

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