Friday, March 10, 2023

Magic At Hand

"You need to have faith in yourself.  Be brave and
take risks. You don't have to have it all figured out
to move forward."  Roy T. Bennett

Time is extremely elastic, speeding up and then suddenly retracting.  Just when we feel certain we are grounded, the earth shifts and we revisit both the past and places yet known.
When we are propelled backward and then forward, it is difficult to know which way to go.

When a dark shadow from the past falls upon us, there is no need for fear.  As we recall how we conquered a lesson, not realizing it would return, we have the courage to navigate forward again. Advancement through the challenge becomes more accelerated. 

The past is revisited, the present is evaluated, and the future unknown. We are called to step forward with bravery, willing to experience risk, and blindly believe all will be well. Hesitation for safer discovery may cause us to miss the magic at hand.

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