Monday, March 6, 2023


"I release any energies and emotions that are not mine."
Lee Harris 

As kindred spirits, we are often times called to be present for others who are facing challenges.  We open our hearts unconditionally to 'see' them and to allow them to be heard. We may forget to deflect emotions that are not our own and inappropriately harbor them.

In public, we are impacted by random emotions from others in the midst of an argument or an angry parent lashing out or a disgruntled employee. When left unshielded, our tender heart does not discern what does not belong to us. 

Gently close the eyes and pull heavenly light down from the sky and allow it to course through the entire body.  Imagine reaching upwards as darkness falls away.  We remain heartfelt, but choose to release what does not serve. 

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