Saturday, March 4, 2023

Hold It Right There!

"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Understanding body language does not require genius level academic degrees.  It is a simple observation of gestures blatantly displayed before our eyes. Eye contact diverted? Body relaxed or rigid? Body positioned too close or unusually distant? Physical presence but otherwise else where? 

Indicators: Acceptance, while shaking the head no back and forth, reflects conflict; Agreement, while crossing arms, displays defensiveness; Reconciliation, while fists are balled in anger. suggests unresolved issues; and Unrequited love, while fickle actions prevail, reflect otherwise.  

Body language is a significant tool. Observation of others and our selves, adds a dynamic of insight. Our words may be saying one thing, while our stance clearly reflects a discrepancy.  Hold it right there until we can align our thoughts with our deeds.

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