Monday, February 20, 2023

Within The Pause ...


"What has happened to our ability to dwell in the unknowing,
to live inside a question and coexist with the tensions of uncertainty?"
Sue Monk Kidd

Life style is often equated with the fast lane.  We demand faster technology, immediate resolution, and expedient service.  Push has started to override our ability to pause.  This is regrettable, as it is within the pause that advancement is facilitated.  

Impulsive or pressured decision making frequently falls short of heightened understanding.  It is within uncertainty that we are able to explore creative options to age old or repetitive problems.  When we choose to endure the unknown, creative resolutions arise. 

When we step away from immediacy, we are able to explore what is best for the self.  We can redesign a template for living a more meaningful life.  We begin to create experiences that will refresh and rejuvenate our unique approach to living a more meaningful life.

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