Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Eliminate Distraction


"For there is choice:  to be distracted by any outer
man-made event or have the wisdom and consciousness 
to not be influenced, dragged in or be affected."
Amanda Lorence 

Attempting to maintain a positive vision of the space where we dwell, many are avoiding the news.  It is not only to deflect the drama and violence, but also to minimize the pressure in determining what has been edited out and deciphering truth from fiction.

The same holds true for basic living.  We have choice to disengage from toxic people and to explore uplifting sources.  Releasing the choke hold from negativity, one observes what is unfolding and then chooses what to do about it.

When we choose to turn inward and align connection with our body, mind, and spirit, our  fears begin to  dissipate. Remembering our wholeness, releasing judgment, and being gentle with the self, we begin to remember the loving kindness flowing within our world.

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