Monday, February 27, 2023


"Allow life to move through you, the joy
as much as the sorrow, the boredom
as much as the bliss."
Adam Lawrence

There are numerous components to life and each one brings a significant contribution.  When we are able to view without judgment, messages surface accompanied by feelings and sensations.  Enhance the moment by noticing sounds, smells, and sightings. 

It can be beneficial to simply slow down, rather than power surging forward.  Things happen for a reason, so it is best to step back and observe.  Discovering the purpose in both sadness and bliss, brings us closer to the deeper meanings offered in life.

There is power in the present moment to be used to acknowledge, release, and renew.  It is imperative to make conscious decisions rather than depending upon repetitive and habitual  actions. In every instance, we have the ability to move towards joy and bliss.


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