Saturday, December 17, 2022

Speculation ...


"I honor myself with presence as I know that I matter."
Mitch Davidowitz

Speculating, I am certain we have never seen two snowmen exactly alike.  They may have a scarf, hat, and a carrot nose, but each are unique in subtle ways.  The same can be said for humans.

With humans, however, we tend to strive to duplicate, rather than expound with joy over uniqueness.  We worry about whether or not our hats and scarves match or if our buttons are made out of walnuts or coal.  And, oh my, when we begin to melt!

'Tis the season to strive to see beyond our self-doubt and to embrace our mishaps with compassion.  Open the heart and truly hear the sound of carols and reflect the glowing lights with each stride.  Believe in holiday magic and welcome our inner spirit home. 

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