Saturday, December 3, 2022

Soul Yearns

"The soul does not want to be advised or fixed or saved.  
It simply wants to be witnessed; to be seen, heard, 
and companioned exactly as it is."
Parker Palmer

It doesn't matter if you believe in the same things that I hold dear, but I would be grateful if you respected my right to be me.  It is important that you are willing to stand in the same space with me, where we can simply witness each other.

It is healthy for me to speak my truths, to hang them out there whether they are embraced or ignored.  It helps me when I can hear my words spoken out loud.  It is within this process, I come to realize what no longer resonates or what helps me to thrive.

My soul yearns to be one with all peoples, places, and things.  I can feel myself expand as it resonates with collective energies raising positive vibrations. As we join together, peace can be contained so our souls can become one.


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