Friday, December 30, 2022

Release the Grip

"The only real battle in life is between 
hanging on and letting go."
Shannon L. Alder

The pressure of the holiday is passing, and we may feel relieved until we begin to rehash disappointment or sadness experienced during Christmas.  We may have had our feelings hurt or in hindsight, realize we have been misunderstood.  

Relationships can be painful, but as we enter them with an open mind, we can gain insight.  If we refrain from listening too closely, and embrace words as they are intended and not through personal perception, our exchanges can guide us more deliberately.

With a New Year approaching, we may choose to evaluate our personal choice of hanging on.  Perhaps the thought of letting go is too hurtful, so find a middle ground.  Release the grip, and be neutral until decidedly ready to let go.



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