Saturday, October 15, 2022

Walking Away, Mentally or Physically

"Time to surrender your worries and attachments
to the past, and open your heart to accept all of 
your incredible self as you are."
Gasper Dolinar 

Too often, we mentally walk away from a troubling situation which does not address correction and healing.  There are times we gently close our eyes, secretly hoping that all will be changed when we reopen them. Of course, this does not facilitate a positive outcome.

When we believe there is nothing we can do, we will continue to be affronted by the negative situation.  It will bury us deeper into a world of dismay.  What if, however, we simply visualize what life might look like if we stepped away, for real.

Visualization can build strength and hope for a healthier living modality.  Whether we are facing a toxic person or an unhealthy life style, change may not be as difficult as we fear.  Instead of using our courage to hold our sanity in place, we can use it to initiate positive steps.  Listen ... that is the sound of walking away.  

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