Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sticky Web

"Your emotions are not negative or positive
until you judge yourself."
Nicky Hamid 

The way you speak to yourself is more harmful than what others might say.  You may perceive, incorrectly, how others evaluate you, which can corral behaviors.  You cannot avoid challenging situations, but you can release negative reaction prior to them becoming toxic.

At times, you allow your emotional awareness to become a net just waiting for derogatory remarks.  This net captures every negative feeling flitting across your mind.  As the webbing thickens, you become shadowed by its darkness and you can no longer see the bright side.

How you feel innocently reaches the surface and it is your judgment of self that depicts whether this feeling is negative or positive.  Feelings surface and rather than judging them, decipher where they came from, what are they reflecting, and how you can best release them.  Then you need to proceed without judgment. 

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