Sunday, October 23, 2022

Shine, Baby, Shine


"Each encounter offers you the opportunity 
to shine your most divine self and to honor
and reflect the most divine self of the other."
Peggy Black

Too often, we believe exhibiting our glow as being egotistic.  Maybe we are concerned that showing our true self is being a braggart.  Conversely, how will anyone see or hear our truth if we do not let it shine? 

As we open a door into our lovely selves, we offer an invitation to others to enter.  If they choose to browse, we too, have opportunity for impressions of the value they offer to the world.  Without intention to dominate, we are able to blend together with respect and honor.

As we create an equal platform, allowing space for diversity while eliminating criticism and judgment, the world shines brighter.  Individually, as well as together, we project a light for all to see which accelerates human growth and development. 

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