Saturday, October 8, 2022

Deliberate Silence

"It takes a sensitive ear to tune into
the silence of the heart, but it is
there in each of us."
Daily Om

The recommendation to carve out time for the self assumes you understand that this newly designated time does not get equally filled with craziness.  Yes, you can prosper from an artists date or a spa day, but the calm of the heart is readily available moment to moment.

Your worst enemy is mind chatter.  It can dominate every peaceful moment until you understand how to quiet the endless mutterings.  When you create deliberate intention and repeatedly slow the breath, you begin to truly listen.

When you master the art of listening to your heart, you are able to make numerous interruptions throughout your day.  No matter the chaos, you can briefly check into your heart space.  In spite of the business, these mini retreats into your self will support and sustain an element of peace. 


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