Thursday, September 8, 2022

Paralyzed by Overwhelm


"When you can't control what's happening, 
challenge yourself to control how you respond."
Life Mellow

No matter how difficult a situation presents, there is always choice.  Ignoring, avoiding and  over-reacting are very poor choices leading to negative life experience.  If we choose even the most minimal action, we will take a positive step forward .

We are doomed if we are dependent upon others to make our decisions or to dictate our actions or to be lost in fear. This is giving our power away which we truly need to avoid at all cost.  True power generates from within us if we choose to minimize emotional responses.

Change self-talk from "I can't'" to "I will try".  An important factor is to just 'begin'.  Allow the future to be sketched in, but apply strengths to the situation in front of us.  Discern what can be changed in this present moment. So, what can we do right now?

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