Monday, September 19, 2022

Beauty of Observation

"Learn to sit back and observe. 
Not everything needs a reaction."
Wisdom Leaks

Somehow, we have programmed our lovely selves to believe we are obligated to have a helpful response, to supply new direction, and to shift the consciousness of others. What if we began to sit back and simply observe?

We are not obligated to immediately respond to our own and other's diverse issues.  There are definitely times when observation alone is the lesson.  If we can broaden our view and just 'be', (see with new eyes they say), we allow fresh introspection.  

As we walk through the garden of life, we do not impulsively pick every flower we see.  We may touch it, smell, it, admire it ... all without interrupting its growth.  We can watch a bud unfold, all on its own.  Let this be our example reflecting the beauty of observation.


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