Thursday, August 18, 2022

Emergence of Personal Power

"Don't let fear hold you back or allow a misguided sense that
feeling vulnerable is somehow a negative condition."
John Holland

Rational comprehension begins to be amended by intuition.  We begin to repel comments of being 'too' this or 'too' that which is just an attempt to distract.   When our personal power begins to emerge, do not expect a band of celebration.

People would rather we be a follower and not a thinker; especially if we think 'out of the box'. Gathered peers may embrace us as the perfect listener, but distance themselves from us when we begin to project our authentic observations. They want us to give undivided attention, not speak.

Once we begin to give credibility to our lovely selves, it becomes easier to be vulnerable in numerous walks of life, not just intimacy.  The stronger our self-awareness becomes, the more willing we are to face the unfamiliar and the unknown. 


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