Thursday, June 2, 2022

Fiction Turns to Reality

"The wounding becomes sacred when we are willing to release
our old stories and to become the vehicles through which the
new story may emerge into time."
Jean Houston

We were never satisfied with just one story as a child nor should we be stuck in one story as an adult.  It is time to turn the page, start a new chapter, and to create a new script.  What we create might begin as fiction, but as we apply our lovely selves, the plot may turn to reality.

Curiosity creates excitement and enthusiasm triggers new energy to pursue imaginative scenarios.  We begin to feel an expansion of creativity and an openness to attract people, projects, and adventure.

Right now, in this very moment, feel a strong connection with God or the Universe and allow the self to swell with a sense of loving connection. Allow the new story to begin, and be patient with the unfolding progress.

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