Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Presence of Fear


"It's time to become masterful
at fueling the light."
Cheryl Richardson

We can be engulfed by fear rather easily.  It is best to not repress it, as it will bubble back up and impact our state of mind.  If we choose to avoid and ignore its presence, it will find new ways to trigger our thoughts.

When we are able to recognize the presence of fear and choose to move beyond it, we will maintain a higher level of emotional stability.  Fear feels heavy and dark, while it grasps our heart and deliberately squeezes.  Love is light and illuminating, offering a sense of freedom.

So as fear arises, immediately acknowledge its presence, then release. Scribble dark thoughts across the pages of a journal or seek a comforting hug from a kindred spirit.  We can imagine our lovely selves bathed in loving light while listening for insight and wisdom.

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