Thursday, April 21, 2022

Broader Horizons

"Every piece of art in the world was once a blank space 
that someone chose to fill with inspiration, imagination,
fear, obsession, logic, love, or passion."
Stewart Stafford

Every human being has been born with the element of creativity to be expressed in very differing ways.  For some it may be arranging flowers while for others it may be singing.  Our freedom for creative expression is easily squelched when the simple implication of the standards of art.  

Freedom is a necessary component for allowing our visions to flow.  Fear of censorship detours and minimizes our intentions to live our dreams.  Restrictions can be unleashed if we use self-compassion and utilize desires.  

Our unique skill does not have to be shared with the world, but there is a necessity to act out of respect for the self.  Divine Spirit created each of us with an aptitude to create and there is reward in honoring it. Creative expression deepens our life experience and projects us broader horizons.


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