Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Library of Life

"It's good to do uncomfortable things.
It's weight training for life."
Anne Lamott

Early lessons were explored in the library, preparing me for the life I would lead. Authors and poets encouraged me to endure, to move forward, and to hope.  Exceptional librarians and the spiritual presence from other realms, beckoned me along the way.

As any other life student, there were some subjects where I excelled, while terribly weak in others.  Chapters were re-written or discarded, but the savored ones were vibrant and industrious.  My jacket cover became stained and individual pages were creased or torn, but I shifted through the learning curve.

Compared to a library, I read all of the books in one section, graduating into the next higher level offered.  There was a necessity to spend hours entrenched in accelerating levels of knowledge and wisdom.  To this day, life as a library pivots  hosts my heart as I pass into the depths of my soul. 

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