Friday, March 25, 2022

Intentional Beliefs

""I wish for you flowers and sunshine, gentle breezes
and clear skies, calm seas and rainbows."
The Universe 

We have choice as to how we embrace life.  We can choose to combine safe guards and vulnerability to heighten our experiences, or wear heavy armor to deflect the negative circumstances.  

The world, it would seem, is stomping giant feet causing bodily harm, dispirited souls, and signs of negative doom.  Do we give in to this, become overwhelmed and shrink form being real?  Can we invest our thinking into the uplifting of the human spirit with intentional belief of positive outcomes?

We are being called to support the frightened and downtrodden.  Focusing on love, compassion and kindness, we humbly serve others. As we relinquish thoughts of despair and overwhelm, we make room for a higher frequency instilling a bright light available to all.


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