Thursday, March 17, 2022

Green for Spring!

"May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us,
may the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us."
St Patrick 

St Patrick was kidnapped from Britain by Irish raiders at age 16.  He spent six captive years isolated as a shepherd and it was during this time he developed his faith.  Patrick was not Irish nor originally Catholic and never did he banish snakes. 

In a dream, an angel encouraged St Patrick to escape from Ireland and return home to become a missionary.  He spent 15 years in religious training before returning to Ireland.  Familiar with Irish culture and traditions, he incorporated traditional ritual into his lessons of Christianity.  

St Patrick's Day 'green' is a reminder that spring is on the way. There is a celebration within as we discover tiny green buds pushing up through layers of earth.  And is this not the process of life ... incubation, birth and discovery.

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