Friday, February 4, 2022

Nudged Into A Better Way

"A goal is not always meant to be reached, 
it often serves simply as something to aim for."
Bruce Lee 

We attend a class to increase our knowledge in a specific area, hoping it will teach us new tools to obtain our goals.  We imagine the benefits of investing our time to advance us forward in mind or resume.

There are endless stories of those participating in such scenarios, who accidentally connect with kindred spirits.  Whether they share insights or describe new arenas, we find ourselves gently nudged into scenarios or destinations newly framed.

We may seek time by the ocean, but get magically carried into a cave.  We may reach the top of a mountain, only to be inspired by the rigorous climb rather than the ultimate view.  Spirit is continuously hovering with blessings, lessons, and opportunities. It is when we remain calm and open, that we become nudged into a better way.


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