Monday, February 28, 2022

Depths of Passion

"I want to love you without clutching, appreciate you without judging,
join you without invading, invite you without demanding, leave you
without guilt, criticize without blaming, and help you without insulting.
If I can have the same from you ... "
Virginia Satir

The word passion can be replaced by words such as: affection, anger, ardor, dedication, devotion, excitement.  It is an emotion that can be applied to various endeavors with varying accelerants and strategically projected outcomes.

To increase the depths of passion, one strives to not suffocate, stifle, or insult. As we learn to  support and uplift, the flames of the fire within create sparks and shimmering dances. If we trust the sensation of breaking loose, we can raise our spirits to realms unknown.

When we choose to join forces, euphoria can be experienced.  The key is to embrace the passion of others with integrity and compassion, based on the same scale we expect for our lovely selves.  The depths of our passion are intricate and revolving.  To our own hearts, we must be true.

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