Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Triggers Without Abandonment

"As soon as you realize you have been hooked or triggered,
take a few deep breaths, recognize what has happened, and
state a simple intention to not abandon your self."
Matt Licata 

When we realize we have become stuck in a negative space, explore positive choices.     Physically, we can take a time out or mentally, replace habitual reactions. Objectively, remove the self from judgment, criticism, and overwhelm instead of abandonment.

If we retreat, comparing this event to the past, we may very well collapse into the role of martyr or victim.  With confidence, we can observe and remain present discovering positive actions leading us to a less dramatic state.

At times, there is a need to physically remove our lovely selves from a stagnant relationship or harmful environment.  The key is the push to take action into a healthier pathway.  We will suffer in life, but pain is not intended to be permanent.  When we remain 'present' in the moment, we will discover baby steps towards healing solutions.

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