Monday, January 10, 2022

No Two Snowmen The Same!

"The highest form of knowledge is empathy for it
requires us to suspend our ego and live in another world."
Bill Bullard

Each one of us is born with unique markings and skills, while called to create an individualistic life. We are given a multitude of choices without expectation to necessarily duplicate the decisions of others.  And yet, we spend an enormous amount of time downplaying personal preference in an attempt to be accepted by society. 

Life illustrates how souls are lost or struggle no matter the position held in our society.  Loving kindness often arrives unexpectedly from strangers.  It is when a person has no interest in gain, but simply listens with awareness that compassion abounds.

When we are able to open to the depths of others, our pure hearts can beat loudly in recognition of a connection with all we do not know.  We can shine brightly towards others, heightening his or her sense of value.  What wonder there is in appreciating the challenges of others, uplifting the human spirit. 


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