Friday, December 3, 2021

Presence of Otherlings


"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice,
and now that I have it,
I am not going to be silent!"
Madeleine Albright

The voice can whimper in silence or shout from a rooftop.  It can be expressed and deeply understood through the arts, journaling or simply listening within.  There was a time the act of exchanging words was singularly referred to as communication; whereas, in today's world, it has been expanded into more lofty terms or sense of empowerment.

The inner voice whispers knowledge and insight while the projected outer voice shares what we have experienced.  The deep longing to be seen and embraced  can happen through the written word, articulating the self to others or reflecting through song, dance or artistic endeavors.

Other than the obvious meditation, yoga or visualization, one can be comforted by silence in nature.  No matter what the season, one senses the presence of otherlings from vibration of trees, the rippling of water, sunshine on our skin or whispers in the wind.  The voice is empowered when we embrace the sense of all being one.

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