Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Personal Umbrellas


"Those who take refuge from themselves in an unreflective pursuit of good,
pouring their energy into the redemption of society or people
are blind to their own personal darkness."
Helen Luke

There is a woman situated under an umbrella offering shade.  Under this protection, she can use a cell phone, laptop or iPad, to engage with the world.  From under this orchestrated covering, she can feel the sand, breeze, water and trees.  So her expectations are provided for under the controlled setting.

There is a reflection from this particular scene of how we project our belief sytems from under a secure position.  Our projections are limited from our secure setting.  We may be able to view life surrounding  us, yet never really engage.

If we step out from under our safety zone, new knowledge greets us through our engagement.  We have a closer look availing us to additional factors.  We have opportunities to embrace what previously had been out of range. Instead of viewing life from under our own shadows, engagement is true living.

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