Sunday, November 21, 2021

Dark Edgings

"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more so we may fear less."
Daily Om

One wonders how different we might be if the instructions given to us as young children were altered. In efforts to teach kids to be safe, we end up instilling fear that deepens over the years. Imagine instructions being given to us without using 'don't'.

Apprehension alters our responses.  Instead of interacting with confidence, we become hesitant and doubtful.  Perspectives might be seen through negativity from the beginning.  We tend to imagine a dark edging to any given situation whether positive or negative.

This does not encourage one to walk into fresh scenarios without using caution.  The point is to stop the expectation of something being wrong or not quite right or too good to be true. Too often we stand in our own way of embracing healthy opportunities.

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