Thursday, August 12, 2021

Version of Self

"We, when aligned with our consciousness can be the most
powerful, unstoppable version of ourselves."
Mridula Singh

It is one thing to sit in darkness enlightened by the moon beams, and it is another thing, to pull this energy into the sunshine of our lives.  As we develop our inner selves, feeling connected and inspired, the goal is to bring that presence into daily living.  The harmony created between in the inner and the outer creates bliss.

If we fail to build a connection, we will wear our selves out being one person here and then a different person there.  We do not feel united, but divided.  We will chaff against the barrier creating disharmony.  The energy of the moon when blended with our earthly existence, enhances all that we are meant to be.

Gathering strength from our spiritual core, we enter into the world of humans, with peaceful power building an enhanced version of the self. When we present as a beacon of light, we will attract like minded resources or kindred spirits.  We will face all challenges with kindness and grace, applying each lesson to body, mind and soul.

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