Saturday, July 17, 2021

"Wrong View"

"... we distort, limit or rationalize things away
from what they truly are, we start to 
experience 'spiritual disease.'"
Mark Nepo

In some Eastern cultures, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, mental illness means "wrong view".  So clarity in life depends upon how well we connect with the heart of life.  Challenges need to be addressed as this is the way we learn.

Our "wrong view" will lead us farther away from reality.  Our perceptions will be tinted by false reasoning.  We cannot help but stray, however, when we remain spiritually connected, distortions can be less dramatic and restored.

The key for positive forward movement is maintaining our awareness of spiritual presence in all aspects of our lives.  When consistently refreshed, we are stronger in our path to compassion and kindness.  Positive actions and reactions will become more automatic than defaulting to negative interpretation.

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