Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Mirror and Words


"My words are mirrors, not windows."
Steven Charleston, Native American Elder

Daydreaming, I wonder how many books I have read from the library beginning in elementary school.  Furthermore, I speculate just how many words I have absorbed during the process of reading.  As I share my words, I ponder if once they are written, are they deleted from my mind?

The library is a broad resource, showing published work that I might never stumble across in ordinary exchange.  It reinforces what I hold to be true, but also exposes differing views.  I desire to simply 'know' whether I invest or not.

This is how I feel about my writings.  I am just offering samples of knowledge accompanied by emotions, for readers to digest and discern.  If these words resonate,  please pursue.  On the other hand, if they do not, freely let them go.  After all, I am simply mirroring back to you!

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