Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tears Cleanse Vision

"Her arms groped forward to guide her
when her tears blocked her vision in darkness."
Claire McNally

Determination to follow a dream can be hampered by overwhelm.  In spite of burning passion, one must be flexible with due dates, dead ends, and unsuspected events.  Creating a vague sketch assists the temperament when plans go awry.  

A craving for a fancy dessert or a delightful destination can be ruined by over planning and too high of an expectation.  This explains why people return from vacation exhausted and ill prepared to return to work or routine.

We can grasp a tiny seed without attachment.  We can nurture the idea, but ultimately let it grow on its own time and space.  Remain open to fresh ideas and be willing to ponder options.  Let tears cleanse our vision, readjusting in slight shadows. 


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