Friday, June 25, 2021

Supported by the Presence


"When we stop opposing reality,
action becomes simple, fluid,
kind and fearless."
Byron Katie    

As we stand on guard anticipating what may or may not happen, we are investing our energy unwisely.  If we can visualize standing in water, laying down our burdens, and gently begin to float with the current, our forward movement is supported by the presence of all that is good.

Maintaining a positive energy, we will let go of fear and minimize our ego.  Our attitude can be more of welcome speculation knowing we can embrace life without becoming a victim.  We can choose to be like a drop of printer's ink, slowly expanding upon the paper or we can simply be the mark of a pencil point, keeping things in perspective.

Whether we are indulging in happiness or quivering in fear, we do better if we acknowledge the situation and carry on.  To know and understand one's self assists in remaining buoyant, moving with the current and not against!

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