Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Personal Depths

"There is great joy that comes from allowing
your truest self to lead the way because it creates
alignment and congruency within you."
Shelley Young, Trinity Esoteric

We can be creative without confinement of unnecessary expectations of perfection.  When we open our imagination only to a trickle of thought, ideas will dry up and blow away.  If we allow ourselves to open with a full thrust of ingenuity, we enjoy a rush of joy and childlike thrill.  

Glancing through history, we find numerous musicians, artists, authors and inventors who had been grossly discouraged from pursuing his or her passion.  Fortunately, perseverance escorted individuals forward in spite of overwhelming boundaries.

What keeps creativity minimized?  Who controls the  unnecessary boundaries, confining ideas to isolation?  Which harsh words wounds the heart and spirit?  Hold your lovely self accountable and push with the soul to discover personal depths.


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