Sunday, June 20, 2021

Fading Bookmarks


"You can tell a lot about someone 
from their bookmarks."
Edd McCracken

My bookshelves are filled with collections from numerous locations, subject matter, and authors.  Each one has specific highlighting and dates to mark what I have used as quotes.  Whether the volume is hardback or paperback, it is graced with a bookmark.  

Bookmarks originally were freely given from libraries or purchased from book stores.  As these vintage art replications became less available, I began to collect professional business cards found at art shows which were really quite colorful.  

In the mix, however, I can find notes from my kids  or a thank you card from a long passed friend.  Here and there are random photos, not really keepsakes, but not worthy of being thrown away.  Then there are pencils, highlighters, and pens to help me mark my way.  What I invest into a book and what it shares back with me can be life changing and life saving.  Kindle books just are not the same.

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