Wednesday, May 26, 2021


"One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats."
Iris Murdoch 

When we accept that we do not have control over our lives and no matter how carefully we plan or act, things will go awry.  By giving value to each day without anticipating the weekend and staying in the present moment, we can experience numerous small amusements.

My four year old grandson and I stopped by a neighborhood park.  He badgered me into going down the slide.  Now, I wasn't afraid of hitting the bottom, but I was very concerned about getting stuck half way down due to my width.  Surviving the slide, we went to the swings and I felt as though I were ten years old.

When we make the choice to step out of our defined roles, and enhance a sliver of time, our lives can begin to sparkle.  We can impulsively splurge on buying ourselves flowers or chocolates or ice cream.  We can avoid responsibilities by sitting on the porch and watching the neighbor dig in his or her garden.  Begin to spend small portions of the day by grasping a small filament of joy. You are a living human being so have a glass of wine, take a bubble bath, or light some candles as a way to celebrate we are still breathing!

***Inspired by:  WOMEN ROWING NORTH, author Mary Pipher



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