Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Steps in Safest Possible Way


"She rebelled against her own fear and self-loathing,
her own powerlessness and the gross misuses of
power that had maimed her."
Dominique Christina

There are endless female warriors in our world, who hide battle scars, and have successfully pushed forward to make the spiritual path broader for all wounded souls.  This sounds dark, but as we deepen female friendships, we are taken on journeys far beyond our imaginings.  Our eyes sink from their eyes into their hearts and become amazed of what they have processed.

The term warrior is a determined emotional strength, not a physical power over others.  The Spiritual Warrior does not use swords no guns, but persistence, calm, and measures of peace.  This female soldier does not wear shields and helmets.  She bares an open heart and soul with open  arms for refuge.

Strength comes from processing our pain, memories, and hate.  We shed the negative as we know first hand that the need for love resides beneath violence.  Self-realization brings understanding that excuses from sustaining status of victim.  As we catch a glimpse of our true nature, we are empowered to move towards freedom in small steps processed in the safest possible way.

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