Monday, May 24, 2021

Permission Slip

"You are the sky.  Everything else ...
it's just the weather."
Pema Chodron

This post hereby gives you permission to seek and determine what is missing from your daily life.  Begin a search for anything from ice cream to a second career.  We are all individuals, so peek inside and listen for any suggestions to guide you.  

We are a 'present' into this world, bringing unique qualities that can be gifted to others.  We are meant to shine and reflect.  Too often we down play our strengths as we find them easy, forgetting they can be a challenge to someone else. It is odd that we tend to hide our own uniqueness.

Each one of us has a special space needing to be dusted off and nurtured.  As we tend to what has been neglected, we will experience the kindling in our spirit.  Our fire will once again be lit, attracting kindred spirits, creativity, and fullness of the soul.

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