Monday, May 17, 2021

Mood Music

"Music allows us both to be alone
as well as to be in company."
Padraig O Tuama

Straight out of college, I worked in a Head Start Program where the morning routine called for us to feed the children, oversee the brushing of teeth, and then gather into a circle.  We would watch the behavior each child to determine the type of music to start our day.

If the children were hyper, we would play calming music to slow them down for open learning.  When they were lethargic, we would play dance music to shake them up.  In between these two levels, we would play music in the telling of a story or inspiring a creative idea.  Music was a wonderful tool.

I found the same scenarios while I raised my own children who were deeply rooted in music (not my genes).  Well into the empty nest syndrome, I began to realize that in spite of thriving on quietude, there were days music was a welcomed friend. And what fun it is to sing when no one is listening!  


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