Saturday, May 1, 2021

Follow Through

"Sometimes, you will never know the value of a moment,
until it becomes a memory."
Dr. Seuss

Finally, we can claim May, a time for color, growth, and strength.  The hues of nature inspire us and encourage us to face rain, strong winds, and too much sun.  Nature sets the example and our mind creates a vision.  Often, we are not aware that we have been altered making a memory for all times.

Whether in appreciation of picking Dandelions, awed by the purple Iris or humbled by Lily of the Valley, little seeds of creation take root in the depths of our mind.  The seeds as they grow, niggle at us, prompting us to process whatever newness we may feel.

The fragrances of May flowers gently beckon to our growing roots, to push up into the sun. There is no competition or necessarily a prize.  It is simply an unfolding of another part of our creativity meant to sprout into the world.  The process of releasing what streams through us becomes a memory, if we but follow through.


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