Thursday, April 8, 2021

Not A Day Later


"How often were you aware, while it happened, 
that you were living an hour that would change
the course of your life forever?"
Robert Galbraith

Reality appears blatant when we recall a scene that was an indicator of life about to change.  Some how we glanced over what was before us, never feeling the depth or importance of what was unfolding. It would seem as though our minds took a snapshot of an incident, and held it in a freeze frame.

We may find ourselves cherishing the moment or it may cause us to ponder how naïveté we had been.  The clues were all before us, painting a message for all to see.  Were we simply not paying attention or were our minds altering what was before us?  We tend to protect ourselves from overwhelm by avoidance.

There are situations where a person may think they are called in to be promoted, when actually the meeting is for a dismissal.  A person may hear a lover predicting a change, and think commitment when the result is an ending. If we desire to live in reality, we must pay attention to every passing moment. We need to process what is before us, now, not a day later.

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