Tuesday, April 13, 2021

I Shall Be Deliberate

"It's about freeing yourself from the past, enjoying the present,
and deliberately creating your future."
Mike Dooley

It has happened again.  My confidence has collapsed and my ego is doing a happy dance in my head.  It takes great reduction in my fear to be able to reach out and simply say, "Help!"  In this last year of isolation, I have been so far from kindred spirits, useless emotion eroded my sense of self.

It makes a difference, and not necessarily a good one, to not see ourselves reflected in the relationships of trusted friends.  We begin to forget who we are or the energy needed to create has been wasted on criticism and judgment.  We need to hear "I love you," from our loved ones.

I begin the steps to release childhood shadows and adult eruptions, chasing fear far from my consciousness.  I dust off my mantras of 'I AM ENOUGH" (Nick Ortner) and recirculate my energy to start pumping love back into my heart.  Now I am able to creatively splash my hopes and  dreams upon the blank sheets before me. I shall be deliberate!


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