Saturday, April 17, 2021

Allow Inspiration

"To find your creative flow, 
release your grasp on the outcome."

Creativity resides in each one of us, taking on various forms, abilities and depths.  It is vitally important to remember that we are not expected to be masters of perfection, but to simply explore and release what we experience.  As we embrace the idea of flowing with what we feel or see, our energy is no longer divided between passion and criticism nor controlled by ego.

Confirmation is given to us when time passes and we come across an old sketch or sheet of music.  We are surprised by the respect we have of what we previously offered.  Again, not a masterpiece, but impressive to our hearts and souls.

It is fun to have an inexpensive sketch book or journal and randomly make entries, knowing we are allowing our selves fun, expression, and experience.  No one ever needs to see it, and in time, we will be encouraged by what we find on each page.  We allow our inspiration to flow with spirit.


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